A summer on the alp

Three days for a 24-hour cycle on three Alps in Bregenzerwald. With the help of Bregenzer Tourismusverband, I visited the Alpe Weißenbach, Alpe Kassa Wildmoos, and the Alpe Hinteregg. Like on any other summer alp, the cows are moving from the valley to the mountains and stay about a hundred days to graze the comprehensive meadow. Here the mountain cheese and by-products are made from their milk and in the best case, everything is used. This series was not only created because I love cheese but to experience what it takes to make good products. I wanted to see the difference in quality compared to industrially produced cheese to get a better sense of the value of handmade cheese. Meeting people from the alp,  and following them through a long and exhausting day I see and taste the value of handmade cheese even more.